

Director of New York Endometriosis Center
American board (ABOG) certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Mount Sinai School of Medicine assistant clinical professor in reproductive sciences
The Johns Hopkins University Hospital visiting scientist, department of gynecological pathology
Global Koinonia ministry, international advisor, Norway InterCP, adviser and director of International Ministry

Founder, Director of International Marketplace Ministry (IMM)


. Masahide Kanayama

Born and raised in Tokyo Japan, Dr
. Kanayama had a personal encounter with Jesus at the age of 17, and was commissioned by The Lord to become a Christian doctor, in order to demonstrate the healing power of Jesus Christ in the medical marketplace

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he developed a highly effective, advanced laparoscopic surgical technique, which treats advanced endometriosis and restore the normal anatomy and reproductive functions.

Every aspects of his medical practice is submitted reverently in utmost dependence upon God by meditation prayer

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. Through his prayer team in NYC, he has witnessed many divine healing and miracles in his patients. He is currently rated as one of top endometriosis spesialists in the United States, and received several patients’ choice award since 2006. In 2013, he was awarded as “Most compassionate doctor” award by the Vitals organization.

Dr. Kanayama also has been speaking both nationally and internationally as a guest speaker and a marketplace missionary (the United States, Norway, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Australia, Kenya and other nations). As the new vision and calling from the Lord, he established the International Marketplace Ministry (IMM) in May 2013 in Japan for the revival of nations and BTJ (Back To Jerusalem) movement. IMM ministry will be expanded to different nations.

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IMM PSG representant i Norge

Ingrid Aske

Ingrid Aske, IMM PSG representant i Norge
Pensjonert misjonær etter 38 år i Japan.
Kan kontaktes på mail : ingi.aske@gmail.com

International Marketplace Ministry